My thoughts on COVID-19

5 years ago

For those of you that don't know, the world is in chaos because of the Coronavirus. If you have seen pictures in the news, schools are changing to online learning, sports leagues have gone on with no fans or even shut down, it's a scary scene. But as a nation, we must not panic in times of crisis, because that makes this worse. Put aside the fear and panicking and lets all band together not just as blacks, whites, gays, Mexicans, Asians, etc. and lets all band together as a nation. To quote Vince McMahon, the citizens of the United States will not live our lives in fear of a virus. We will band together because, by God, this country has been through a lot these past 200 years. This country can rise through events such as Katrina and 9/11, it sure can rise through the Coronavirus.

My overall advice to anyone watching this, be safe. Do your due diligence, and practice good hygiene.

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