Gods Glory Filled My Car by Dr Michael H Yeager

2 years ago

I realize how incredible and insane this sounds, but it’s the truth. None of the stories that I share with you about my life are fake or exaggerated. There is a Scripture that says all liars will go to hell.

Revelation 21:8 But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.

I would not blame people for not believing this story. In many of my testimonies, others were present to verify exactly what happened. In this situation, I was all by myself coming out of Canada, driving my sister’s 1973 red Maverick. My sister wanted me to drive her car up to Alaska from New Mexico, but when I got onto the Alcan freeway, I had to turn around because the roads were all flooded because of rain.

I came out of the mountains of Canada, Praying, singing, and worshiping God in the Spirit as the sun was at its peak in the sky above me. I’m guessing it was right around 11 a.m. As I continue to pray and worship God with all of my heart, I began to be filled with an overwhelming love for the Father, and Jesus Christ. It felt like my heart was going to come out of my chest because of the greatness of God’s love for me and my gratitude for the Father and the Son for snatching my soul out of hell even as I was committing suicide on my 19th birthday.

I was weeping, praying, and crying as I drove along, so much so to where I could not really see where I was going any longer. Suddenly the car began to be filled with the tangible presence of the Lord. My car's inside was filling with a light, glistening, sparkly, light blue, green, silver, and gold mist.
The mist became so heavy that I could not see outside of my car window. Now, you would think that my heart would be filled with fear because I could not see where I was going. But actually, it was the opposite. I was so overwhelmed by the spirit of God that nothing else existed at that moment. I was so caught up in the presence of the Lord that without even thinking, I raised my hands toward heaven, taking them off of my steering wheel.

In this place of deep intimate worship, the time came to a standstill. Here I was in my sister’s 1973 red maverick driving through Canada's rugged back roads with my hands lifted towards heaven, weeping and crying and worshiping God. I was ushered into the supernatural, incredible, mind-boggling realm of the Holy Ghost.

I remember that after what only seemed a short time, my hands came back to the steering wheel as this divine mist, the Shekinah glory, was dissipating. To my utter amazement, I noticed that the sun, which had been in the middle of the sky when I began to experience the overwhelming presence of God, was just now barely peeking over the horizon, and it was starting to get dark. At that time, I did not check the car's mileage, but I know my car had gone hundreds of miles without me driving it. Someone had driven my car for hours on end as I was caught up in the glory of God.

This total experience could’ve possibly been 5 to 7 hours long. It had to be Angelic beings that took complete control of my vehicle as I was lost in the Spirit! My heart was filled with joy, unspeakable, and full of glory at this wondrous miracle. To this day, as I think about this experience, I can hardly grasp its reality.

Then a cloud covered the tent of the congregation, and the glory of the LORD filled the tabernacle (Exodus 40:34).

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