Dove and Dragon Radio with host M.L.Ruscak and guest Dr Pat Boulogne

2 years ago

In this 2nd edition of WHY ARE YOU SICK, FAT, and Tired? we updated this book with some valuable additions.

So, WHYare you… Sick, Fat, and/or Tired? The question remains: How has your health been over the past 2 years? Same? Better? Worse? No matter what your answer is, take the time here and do yourself a favor and get your Health Reality Check.

"The doctor of the future will give no medication, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in a proper diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease." Thomas A. Edison

Many people are confused about their health; and do not know where to look for answers, nor who to ask or the right questions to ask. Wrong questions give rise to wrong answers, and waste your precious time and money! Not paying attention to even minor symptoms could lead to more serious illness and/or early death.

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