I'm addicted to paddle tail lure fishing. I need help!

4 years ago

So I've gotten back to my roots and started throwing lures again. For years I was only fishing with live bait on the flats. Well I started to miss the excitement of getting bit on a lure. I picked up a couple packs of the Saltwater Assassin Sea Shad in the Meat Hook and Rainbow Shad color. Well, I liked them so much, I think I'm addicted now.

Head First Fishing Charter Website : www.hff.fish
Call 727 433 4508

Visit stpetefishingoutfitters.com

Cast Nets -- https://www.leefishersports.com/collections/humpback
Trident Hooks - https://www.leefishersports.com/collections/trident
Joyfish monofilament - https://www.leefishersports.com/collections/joy-fish
Ohero Fluorocarbon line - https://www.leefishersports.com/collections/line/products/ohero-flurocarbon-crystal-leader

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Please watch: "Artificial Lure tips for Tampa winter Trout and Snook"

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