CNN Director Caught on Hidden Camera Admitting Climate Change is 'Next Pandemic' To Control

2 years ago

CNN Director Caught on Hidden Camera Admitting Climate Change is 'Next Pandemic' To Control the Masses

July 21, 2022


A CNN corporation, director has been caught on hidden camera admitting the network has decided "climate change" will be the "next pandemic" because, in his words, "fear sells."

According to CNN technical director Charlie Chester, the public are no longer scared of Covid-19 and the elites can no longer use it to control the masses. According to the director, the media need a "story" with "longevity."

Project Veritas released a three-part series exposing Charlie Chester admitting CNN was "making up stories."

According to Project Veritas, these secret recordings were made while Chester was on Tinder dates with an undercover Veritas journalist.

In the video, Chester can be heard saying that "the story of Covid-19" is coming to an end and CNN is ready to start selling the story of "climate change" and instilling "fear."

When the undercover journalist asked Chester to define propaganda, he said: "For example, you can shape the perception of an entire people about anything, depending on how you do it. Just forcing a story to help your platform, you know?"

"A pandemic-like story that we will beat to death, but that has longevity, you know what I mean? As if it were a definitive end to the pandemic. It will reduce to a point where it is not a problem. Climate change will take years, so [CNN] will be able to promote that quite a bit."

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