Uncovering the Truth Concerning Sheitels and Other Lessons

2 years ago

Uncovering the truth; this ad was sponsored by Avoda Zara Awareness Organization. For more info email azinwigs@gmail.com from the February 24, 2021 edition of the Boro Park View
Zera Shimshon Tetzaveh 5751
Excerpts from Inside out, the sefer that talks about Rabbi Sholom Mordechai Rubashkin . from March 3, 2021 edition of the Torah Times
titled Cleaning Help, excerpted from Living Emunah for children by Rabbi David Ashear. February 25, 2021 of the FJJ
Rav Avigdor Miller ztl Amaleks Crime February 25, 2021 of the FJJ
questions and answers from Toras Avigdor about the sharp sword on the neck, Year 4 Issue 24
First aired in YouTube May 3, 2021

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