Feel free to be a libertarian. BUT DONT BE A LIBTARD

4 years ago

A post in the "Being Libertarian" facebook page and the comments the ensues below changed my views on what I thought to be a matured and responsible community.

Some of them argued that the covid-19 is overplayed and is actually only lethal to old people and those with inherent health issues can't be more wrong. And for them to argue on it, just shows the kind of irresponsibly behaviors of people who can't even get their facts right.

This is no difference from the politicians in Indonesia or Iran that had dismissed the virus earlier on to be some heavenly intervention, that smites down on disbelievers and sinners - only for themselves to be infected with the virus as well, while their countries burn with covid-19 and mass hysteria.

This libtards are utterly retarded and they will come to regret their point of view that this virus are ignorable. Regimes like Iran, China or Indonesia had no need to report their cases - which of course they tried to cover it up - if they could. But what happened? Their attempted cover up can no longer work as the virus cases a major healthcare crisis that overwhelms their healthcare system like no other flu or viruses ever did.

They eventually had to come clean and report their cases honestly - while seeking assistance from abroad to help fight and contain the virus outbreak.

I will make it clear: this virus does not only affects and kill the old people. It can kill younger people as well. Make no mistake, this is not just any other flu.


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