Jewish calendar's role is counting the Messiah's coming

2 years ago

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I just simply wanted to point people to the fact that Daniel 9's countdown to the real Messiah did not need the use of the Jewish Calendar other than the fact that we start counting in the month of Nisan. (Neh 2:1) And it is not needed in counting Jesus' 2nd coming either. It is my belief that we are to use 2 prophecies and 2 parables to determine the Messiah's 2nd Coming. (Hos 6:1-3, Isa 7:8, Matt 20:2 and Luke 10:35).
Here is my study on the countdown to Jesus' 1st coming:
Here is the link to my share page at where I have made available to you over 800 of the my last days studies for you all of which are free:

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