As Children

2 years ago

Matthew 18:3 Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.
Our Lord commends childlikeness.

How are we to be as little children?

As a little child…
Children want
• to FIND OUT - about life
• They want to learn and grow
• to explore
• to ask a lot of questions

Our Lord says, “…receive the kingdom of God as a little child” Luke 18:17. Be receptive to God.

Children have a thirst for knowledge. May we also keep that desire to learn. He says, Matthew 11:29 …Learn of Me… Jeremiah 10:2 Learn NOT the way of the heathen…

God made children to be teachable. Are we learning of Him - of our Lord?

Proverbs 1:5 A wise man will hear, and will increase learning…

A child can learn a foreign language a lot easier than an older person can. They love to learn. They can absorb knowledge more easily. What about us, spiritually? Will we be like children? Are we wanting to learn the things that our Father wants us to know? Are we willing to learn from those whom the Lord has placed in our lives? Be a learner. A student of the Word of God.

Will we be as a young child - as a piece of living clay, with a soft and yielding heart? Will we have that same child-like desire to learn about God, and be willing to keep on learning? Let’s keep that childlike spirit of wanting to learn and grow. Let’s keep that humility as we learn.

As far as our knowledge goes, we really only have a bucket-load of the ocean.

Here’s another thing we can appreciate about children… Another way we would do well to be as a little child… Is that a little child…
Children can quickly make their own fun and happiness - they play games. They can skip and play - and they make the most of each moment.

Psalm 144:15 …happy is that people, whose God is the LORD.

Children love life. They know how to enjoy life. They know how to play.
Let’s not lose that. As “grown ups” sometimes we can lose that kind of joy.
We can get too serious. Too busy. That we don’t take time to enjoy life. That life more abundant that our Lord wants for us.

Children get on with life. They find ways to have joy and fun. Let us have that heart of joy - that delight in our Father’s world. Our Heavenly Father want for us to have true joy and fulfilment! He wants what is best for us.

Be filled with Joy, in His love. Let's get our relationships right with others in the world. Let us humble ourselves. Let us have a spirit of forgiveness. Let us put things right. We have a great Reason:
• to enjoy life
• to be happy - to be glad
• to sing - with joy in our heart - deep down in our heart

He puts a
• smile in my soul
• laugh in my heart
• joy in my life

We may go through the toughest time, but there’s still joy in our life, deep in our heart. 2 Corinthians 7:4 …I am exceeding joyful in all our tribulation. 5 …we were troubled on every side; without were fightings, within were fears. 6 Nevertheless God, that comforteth those that are cast down, comforted us…

Let’s not forget to enjoy God’s gifts, and enjoy our relationship with our heavenly father who loves us so.

Let’s be alike to a child, also, as a little child…
3. LOOKS for Help - Cries OUT

A child knows, that…
• They are Weak and helpless
• They know they need Help

Psalm 12:1 starts off with two words of prayer we can all use: Help, Lord!…

Children are Dependent. Children look to their parents. They look for help – they look to their parents when they hurt. Like children, we can depend on our Heavenly Father for all we need… He is there to help us through.

We can have a simple trust and dependence on God. To have faith in His fatherly care. To be Dependent on the Arms of the Father. Deuteronomy 33:27 The eternal God is thy refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms.

God wants us to run to Him. He won't reject us. He won't turn us away. Run into the Father's arms today.

God hears simple prayer. Will we have the simple faith of a child? Simply believe. A small child lets you pick them up and carry them. They trust. They believe. The child doesn't get worried that you might drop him.

Are we like that with God? Or do we doubt Him?

Children don't worry about food or clothing. They know that they'll be looked after. Be like children. Trust Him. Don't worry about "things". God knows perfectly what we have need of.

Let's be hungry and desiring God's Word so that we can grow as strong, mature believers. 1 Peter 2:2 As newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby.

God wants us to humble ourselves and know simple faith.

Children don't have a lot of doubts. They have trust. They are quick to believe what they are told. Let us be quick to believe what God says to us.
Let’s become as little children and take God at His Word and simply trust Him.

Learn of Him. Take hold of His hand by simple faith and receive His gift. It’s the simplicity that is in Christ.

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