How To Be More Attractive To Men - Without Changing Yourself...

4 years ago

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When it comes right down to it, we all want to know how to be more attractive to the opposite sex. Men want to be more attractive to women - and Women want to know how to be more attractive to MEN.

Are there secrets left for being more attractive to guys?

Is there really anything left to show you about how to make men find you irresistible?

As it happens, YES!

There are a lot of things women do not understand about what makes a man desire you. Attraction may be subjective, but there are rules for making it happen.

First, let's start with this:

ATTRACTION SECRET #1: There ARE Ways To Boost A Man's Desire For You...

Ever since I was a kid, I've been fascinated by how emotions work. And one area that was probably the most important to me (and probably to everyone) was how LOVE and attraction worked.

I knew from experience that I found certain women attractive, and certain other women NOT attractive. I noticed the same thing when I talked to women as I studied this.

And the most interesting part was that it was almost never about the looks of the person. Instead, it seemed to have much more to do with their BEHAVIOR.

And that put me in contact with what would become my lifelong passion! Studying the ins and outs of romantic passion.

There are ways for a woman to boost a man's desire for her. And the brutal truth is that not many women understand what these ways are!

Now before we get into a few of them, I want to point something out first:

Influencing how a person feels about you is not:

NOT immoral...
NOT unethical...
NOT game playing!

ATTRACTION SECRET #2: The Psychology of Love Is Reliable!

You may wonder if the factors that make us feel attraction are like rolling dice each time. It might seem that way if you found a guy attractive and then you go out on a date only to discover there's no chemistry.

Ultimately, no one can COMPLETELY predict (or control) love. If you could, there'd be no challenge or fun in it!

Now, some people might say, "I'd rather having that than having my hear broken every time, Carlos!"

Which is exactly why I teach these strategies to women. I want to give you the unfair advantage over other women out there, so you can have the man you truly desire.

These tips and tricks I show you WORK. They're reliable, and consistent.

This is assuming:

You follow my advice from the start. I can't promise you the same results if you make a bunch of mistakes for the first month and then try to do a U-turn with your relationship. But assuming he has feelings for you, he will probably respond.
YOU are consistent. If you waffle back and forth between insecurity and confident stance, he'll feel unsafe with you.
You learn the RIGHT strategies. I spent years putting these things together in a way that is not only heart-centered, it's compassionate and effective at creating a loving connection.

ATTRACTION SECRET #3: Attraction Is Not A Choice...

Many of us never stop to consider this fact.

But it's true. We do not CHOOSE the person we're attracted to - or who we fall in love with. It just happens to us.

However! We can influence this process, and pace ourselves so that we are not VICTIMS of love.

Have you ever stopped to really THINK about why a certain person was attractive to you? In hindsight, there IS a reason for those feelings, if you look closely enough.

I'll use the example of a girlfriend I had right out of high school - let's call her "B."

I was attracted to B. because:

She was cute (not gorgeous, but an average attractive girl)
She had a weird, somewhat dark sense of humor...
She liked a lot of the things I did at the time - Hard rock music, Lamborghinis, and scary movies...
She was easygoing and fit into my lifestyle easily...

I knew this looking back on that relationship, but I would have found it near impossible to come up with much more than the superficial compatibilities. (Combined with a teenage boy's sex drive.)

I still had to pursue B., mind you. She had been seeing some other guy and was broken up for a few months.

But in the end, I realize the relationship was possible because we both shared the attraction, and we were just enough alike to both want it.

We chose each other.

ATTRACTION SECRET #4: If You Know How Men Think - You Can Make Him Fall For You...

Here's the other side of attraction: It can also be ...

Watch the Video for the rest!

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Carlos Cavallo
Dating Advice Guru
How to be more attractive to men

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