Rare WW2 KV-1S footage - КВ-1с серийный - Танк, танк клим ворошилов.

4 years ago

Rare WW2 KV-1S footage - КВ-1с серийный - Танк, танк клим ворошилов.
является дальнейшим развитием серии тяжёлых танков КВ-1

The development of the KV-1S began after the two prototypes for the KV-3 were rejected.
The Object 220 and 222 were based on a modified KV-1, the Object 220, had a longer hull, larger turret, and a 107 mm gun. The Object 222, was just a KV-1, but had a better turret layout.

The KV-1 had serious weight problems and with each upgrade, it proofed to be still under-powered and the transmission proved often prone to break downs.
The KV-1S needed to be much faster and lighter, so got a new gearbox, main clutch and improved engine, armor was reduced and a new cast turret was made thinner and it had smaller road wheels.

Production started in August, 1942, but the KV-1S proofed to be to slow and under-armoured, and was more expensive to produce then a T-34/76, it was also heavily disliked by tank crews, so in 1943 after 1370 vehicles had been made, it was discontinued.

Even due the KV-1S was a huge failure it was the influence of better late-war tanks such as the T-34/85 and IS tank series.

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■ Information obtained from several sites.
■ Wikipedia
■ tanks-encyclopedia
■ the.shadock.free.fr/Surviving_Panzers
■ preservedtanks
■ pantser.net
■ the.shadock.free.fr/Tanks_in_France

■ Some music is from the YouTube Audio Library.

■ Music used:

■ Music used:
YouTube audio library.

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under the terms of
fair use.

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used belong to their
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