Melbourne Protest Rally - 23 07 2022 - Part 6 of 9

2 years ago

After much brutal abuse and violence done by the Criminal In Costumes.
A moment later the Truth is spoken in LOVE from the heart of one to the criminals in uniform and the pedestrians in the street and to all who will see and hear.
police abuse of power on Lonsdale Street Melbourne.

police LOVE to assault and abuse and pepper spray those who are standing up for them.
But would them thugs assault and abuse and pepper spray their own family members the same way they behave towards other peoples family members who are standing up for them ?
March from Lonsdale Street to Russel Street to Burke Street.

woman on burke street with pink handbag and grey rain coat and redish type of beanie on who possibly 3 or 4 X jabbed was constantly with both hands making rude hand gestures to the Freedom Protest Rally as they passed by her - one could assume she hates her own freedom and wants to be imprisoned and physically abused by her government.

The Freedom Protest will still march and stand up for her right to live her life the way she wants to live it without enforcement or cohesion.

Speech from Michael Gray Griffith
2 Song sung by Tim
Truth speech & facts.

Free Julian Assange.

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