FNS 9 Longslide gets Trijicon RMR Type 2 using Bullshooter Rest Mills Ammunition EGW Red Dot Mount

2 years ago

Hey Folks shoot yours and then try Mills Ammuition, you’ll never go BACK!! Took my FNS-Longslide to Steve at @TheRangeatLakeNorman to help install an EGW Red Dot Mount and a Trjicon RMR Type 2 3.25 MOA scope. Ryder and I used that good Mills Ammunition 9mm 115gr FMJ-RN. Tried my Bullshooter pistol rest with great results. www.millsammunition.com #millsammunition #TheRangeAtLakeNorman #FN #FNS #EGW #EGWReddot #Trijicon #Bullshooter

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