Emergency Transmission: Humanity at a Crossroads

2 years ago

I thought about editing this down considerably, but Alex Jones/Bill Hicks often puts out 4-hour long "Emergency Transmissions," so maybe 1 hour isn't so bad ;)

Based on my research, I believe the root of humanity's conflicts can be likened to a virus infecting/afflicting a computer system. An entity, sometimes referred to as demons, Satan, Moloch, archons, jinn, reptilians, etc. arose linked with human survival fears and negative emotions, and it literally feeds off the energy of human fear and suffering.

I go into much more detail about its nature and mechanisms here:

"State of the Archonic Problem"


The main manifestations of the archonic problem within humanity are:

- Satanism, especially child sacrifice/the ritual abuse of children, adrenochrome harvesting, etc.

- The globe lie/heliocentric hoax -- Hiding God/our Creator and pushing evolution/athiesm

- The Military Industrial Complex war machine, perpetuating conflict in order to generate blood money and feed the beast

- "Big Pharma," which perpetuates and profits off human suffering and disease instead of alleviating and curing it

- A general "Do what thou wilt" mindset -- literally the opposite of the most fundamental Spiritual teaching: Treat others as you would wish to be treated (The Golden Rule)

- The Central Banking/debt slavery model

In this video, I feel compelled to convey the importance of TALKING ABOUT the "archonic problem" and its manifestations more than ever in order to expose and heal it. This virus proliferates in darkness and secrecy; Consciousness/awareness transmutes and transforms it.

Anyone aware of this dark undercurrent in our world should discuss it and spread the word/shine a Light in whatever ways you're able. Now is not the time to worry about being called a "conspiracy theorist" or accused of causing a "Satanic panic." Satanism is real and is the main way the archonic problem here manifests and persists.

I also talk about the "Targeted Individual" programs that are being leveled at people working to expose Satanism, the globe lie/heliocentric hoax and other vital truths. These organized stalking campaigns involve a myriad of techniques used to threaten, harass and silence.

Here is a fairly comprehensive article about it:

"In the Post 9/11 Era, Understanding the Targeted Individual Phenomenon is No Longer Optional" -- by T. McFarlan


Here is the roundtable discussion I referenced with Scott McKay ("Patriot Streetfighter") talking about his being targeted by biological weapons and EMF/microwave weapons -- he brings it up at around the 34:40 min. mark in the video:

Roundtable Discussion with Mel K, Scott McKay and David Rodriguez


Please circulate this clip from the roundtable discussion and forward it to Scott, Mel and David -- We need to raise awareness about these sinister Targeting/Organized Stalking programs, which are being directed at Patriotic Americans by the infiltrating Deep State Cabal:



George Orwell's book "1984" and other writings have functioned as a sort of handbook/template for what the Satanic NWO and the archonic virus possessing them have in mind for our future. Here is the full clip of George Orwell's "Final Warning" to humanity:



"In our world, there will be no emotions except fear, rage, triumph, and self-abasement. The sex instinct will be eradicated. We shall abolish the orgasm. There will be no loyalty except loyalty to the Party. But always there will be the intoxication of power. Always, at every moment, there will be the thrill of victory, the sensation of trampling on an enemy who’s helpless. If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face, forever. The moral to be drawn from this dangerous nightmare situation is a simple one: Don’t let it happen. It depends on you."
-- George Orwell

I vote we NOT let it happen!

I conclude this video transmission by pointing out that the teachings of Jesus offer a sort of technology or protocol for "starving the beast" and helping humanity to overcome the archonic problem once and for all.

Fear, suffering and negativity feed the beast; Love starves it. God is Love. In a word, the solution is: Love.

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