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2 years ago

General Gebremedin, aka Wedi Necho, reportedly died at Kaliti prison. According to EMS, he was with family members who were visiting when he suddenly collapsed and died.

He was in charge of the Ethiopian Defense Force’s communication. He allegedly used his position to cut off communication between the Head Quarter and the Northern Command Post – immediately before the Tigray People’s Liberation Front launched an attack on several bases of the Northern Command Post. He Like many of the TPLF military and political leaders, Wedi Necho was a member of Guerrilla combatants who, with political and diplomatic support – among other things, from foreign powers like the United States, and with support from what was then EPLF managed to topple Colonel Mengistu Hailemariam’s government in 1991.

General Gebremedhin was reportedly in Russia to advance his study in military science and was the head of the Agazi force, TPLF’s most loyal force when it was dominating power in the central government.

It is unclear if an autopsy examination is administered to establish the causes of his death.

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