Samsung S20 📱...RETURNED

4 years ago

Final review of the Samsung Galaxy S20 smartphone just before I reboxed & returned it to the local AT&T Store. Was there a buyer's remorse? A bit after 15 days. The first week was a honeymoon and not all gadgets give that experience. The second week gave me a seven-year itch... I tried to return it on Day 12 - no luck. I drove 15 miles to Orem, Utah - all stores were closed. Called AT&T Support and they didn't know what to do because of COVID-19. Day 14, I waited by the phone and kept that S20 in airplane mode.
Day 15, called several stores and found one that was open and drove there A.S.A.P. as it turns out in special situations their "Buyers' Remorse" clause can extend from 14 days up to 30 with a manager's approval. Over 77 hours later and yes, it was truly reboxed euphoria to return to just one smartphone in my life. Oh wait, am I still wearing two smartwatches, what does this mean...?

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Background music provided by... "Lift Operator"


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