By balancing blood sugar levels we can reduce our risk for

2 years ago

The World Health Organisation recently released a global report about the rise of diabetes.

Inside, they specifically ask world leaders to provide 'better diagnosis and treatment'.

With over 1.5 million diabetes related deaths each year, I would argue that this has not happened.

Clearly we are not getting better diagnosis and treatment.
1 in 11
People have diabetes

1 in 3
People are prediabetic

And 90% of those are unaware they are prediabetic
The increasing rate of diabetes is terrifying. Since 1980 the number of people with diabetes has increased four-fold to 422 million…

And that doesn’t even include people who are below the Diabetes threshold but still have high blood sugar.

Diabetes is a major health threat that is rapidly getting worse... But there is hope.

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