"That's Really A Suggestion, Not Really An Order". Officer Green. Mass "Shelter In Place". Salem PD.

4 years ago

I was documenting Downtown Salem due to the "NON-essential" worker been throughout Massachusetts. While I was down there I was having some good conversation with some police officers. Such as Officer Crabtree and Officer Bedard. I then had a horrible interaction with Sergeant Gagn'on which was in my previous video. After I left the police station, I continued on downtown to document. Soon after, I ran into Officer Green and his unlawful questioning of a husband and wife walking around playing the guitar. Soon after 3 cop suckers and snowflakes started yelling at me to not record them. After one of them got in my shot by going up to Officer Green to go snitch me out for recording the Officer. Then the same kid that snitched out the husband and wife for playing the guitar calls me "the face of scum" and would like to "wipe his ass with my face." Later on that night I went down to return a complaint form which is also in the previous video with Sergeant Gagn'on. I ran into officer green once again and had a quick conversation about police officers possibly having to uphold unconstitutional orders due to the Nationwide and Statewide "NON-essential" worker band and shelter in place. Let me know what you think about these interactions in the comment section!! Thank you for all the support!! Much love, respect and appreciation!!!

#MassAccountability #PoliceThePolice #PhotographyIsNotACrime #1stAmendment #AlwaysFilmThePolice #FilmThePolice #FTP #AFTP #PINAC #KnowledgeIsPower #Salem #Boston #Beverly #Ipswich #Swampscott #Lynn #Peabody #NorthShore #Mass #Massachusetts #KnowYourRights #BlueLinePrivilege #ThinBlueLinePrivilege #CopSucker #BootLicker #ThinBlueLine #Dorchester #Revere #Quincy

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