Let's Go Brandon With Brandon Straka & Chase Geiser | OAP #71

2 years ago


I hardly know where to begin. One year ago yesterday an FBI swat team came into my home at dawn, put me in handcuffs, and put me in a concrete cell for several days. This was the beginning of what has turned into a year long nightmare fraught with
mistruths, misinformation, abuse of legal process, and a savage campaign to destroy me.

It didn’t.

There will be many opportunities to hear my story in detail very soon but I want to take a few moments to address a couple of the most pervasive mistruths:

Some of my comments on January 6th and the following days have been highly scrutinized and my intent speculated. In particular, one stated to “HOLD. THE. LINE.” in addressing the people at the Capitol. You should all know that I was present on the East side of the Capitol and never witnessed any of the violence taking place on the West side that day. I shot video of the thousands of peaceful protestors standing on the East side singing songs and holding signs. This was the scene when I left the grounds. My statement was to encourage the thousands of peaceful protestors to stand their ground- after all, peaceful protests are still protected by our constitution, right?

Please allow me to state again what I have CONSISTENTLY SAID since the night of January 6th, 2021 when I learned of the intense violence that had taken place earlier that day: Violence is NEVER ok. Political violence is never acceptable. Not when
fighting racism, not when fighting for election integrity, and not for any other reason. The violent and destructive behavior at the Capitol was absolutely unacceptable, just as all of the violent riots of 2020 were equally unacceptable.

Secondly, in the past month the Government put out a document stating that I was providing information that could result in a change to my sentencing recommendation. The left wing media immediately turned that into “Trump Ally Turning Over Significant
Information About January 6th”. The word “significant” was created by the media. I BEGGED my attorney to allow me to put out a statement addressing this. But you must understand, navigating through my case with Government has been an impossible situation. I have kept my mouth shut and remained silent all year because constant threats have been made of adding additional felony charges against me. Crushingly, I
have had no other option but to allow the Government and the left wing media to control the narrative of this thing until I got through my sentencing.

So let’s start here.

In the three and a half years that l have been working in the world of politics, I have not attained ANY INFORMATION of ANY KIND about any criminal wrongdoing of any person in the MAGA movement. That includes every person from the very bottom up toDonald Trump and every person in between. It would be impossible for me to “snitch” or “turn people over” because i have NOTHING to share.

I do not believe that there was any kind of plot or plan or scheme to initiate violence on January 6th. I do not believe that any kind of plot or plan or scheme will ever be discovered because I feel 100% certain no such thing exists. Like most of you, I’ve
employed common sense and come to the conclusion that a very small percentage of people did some very bad things that day, and that this was a spontaneous riot that broke out without planning. If any evidence of anything else ever comes to light, I will be as shocked as anybody else.

I have NO INFORMATION of any kind to share about any crime others in the MAGA movement have committed at any point, even prior to January 6th. I believe that the prosecution intentionally used this wording knowing it would trigger
the media to run these stories in an attempt to damage public trust in me. Sadly, their plan worked with a handful of people. But the vast majority of you are savvy and wise to this type of propaganda, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for supporting me through that part of it.

I have many regrets in regards to being present at that event, but one of my biggest regrets is that I acted impulsively in making statements and posting video before I had a real understanding of what the whole situation was on that day. That impulsiveness
to comment and share on things I didn’t have a full understanding of ended up causing me a lot of trouble and ultimately contributed to casting conservatives in a negative
light. I’m truly sorry for that. It’s my intention to do much better going forward, and to hopefully be a part of elevating dialogue with open and sensible people.


For the rest of Brandon's statement, please visit twitter.com/BrandonStraka as there is a character limit here in the description

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