The DDG Podcast | How to Survive a Carjacking and Minimize Your Risk of Being a Victim!

4 years ago

Taken from The Dad's Doomsday Guide Podcast:

On today's show Scott discusses how to survive a carjacking and ways you can minimize your risk of being in this life-threatening situation.

No one thinks they're going to get carjacked, no one believes they're going to be a victim. I know I didn't. That's why when it happened I was completely unprepared. Luckily our dad saved our lives. But what if it happens to you? What would you do?

I can tell you unless you've been extensively trained or have seen combat, having a gun pointed in your face will kick start your body into a fight-or-flight response. You're going to get tunnel vision, you'll probably beg for them to not shoot, you might panic, and the list goes on. Adding to this, what if your kids are in the car? What if they refuse to let you grab them? The horrible outcomes are endless.

This is undoubtedly a horrific situation to be in, and rule number one, like so many other bad situations, is to try not to be in this predicament in the first place. That means being aware and trying to identify the threat before it backs you into a corner with only life-threatening options.

But what is helpful (in addition to training with firearms, weapons and fighting styles) is to run through thought exercises. Walk through the possibilities, what you might be confronted with, what you might do. While it's not like the real life threat pointing a gun in your face, it does get the wheels turning and will hopefully prepare you to respond accordingly.

Learn. Prepare. Survive.

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