Dr. Paul Saladino: The Carnivore Diet, Functional Medicine & Eating Raw Brains

4 years ago

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Tried an elimination diet yet?

You’ve likely heard a lot of buzz around the carnivore diet, it's come up a few times on this show.

The way I think about elimination diets, is that you're fasting from certain food categories.

When you give yourself a break, all of a sudden your immune system can calm down and do the exact work that it needs to do to keep you safe—instead of causing all sorts of problems for you or attacking your own body, in the case of auto-immune conditions.

You don't want your health to be getting low at this point, with everything that we're up against.

So, let's add to your bag of tricks today—Dr. Paul Saladino is joining us on the show.

Dr. Saladino is a certified Functional Medicine Practitioner, he hosts the Fundamental Health podcast, and just released his brand new book, The Carnivore Code.

On today’s show, we’re covering...

*The benefits of elimination diets
*Nutrient density of eating nose-to-tail
*How to source good quality meats, eggs and bones
*Voting with your fork and wallet
*Cost and practicality of the Carnivore Diet
*And tons more…

Read the show notes: https://fatburningman.com/dr-paul-saladino-the-carnivore-diet-functional-medicine-eating-raw-brains

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