Report 289 | Sonya Roche-Duncan: Sun in Cancer As World Spins & Flails/Contrived Chaos in Cancer-333

2 years ago

In a fascinating look at events just past this Cancer season which just closed the same day we recorded, July 22, marking my own “solar return,” Sonya Roche-Duncan, psychological astrologer with a big heart and incisive insight decodes and takes apart the ways in which the world stage of contrived events, crisis events, and acted-out events mirror the themes of the “big clock in the sky” and point to the practiced hand of the master manipulators behind the scenes who are indeed matching their moves to astrological signs and stars and imagining they can thus conquer the cosmos, space, time, and all of our lives.

Farmers in Holland and France along with truckers in Melbourne and Canada are protesting fuel costs, upcoming fertilizer restrictions, and other aspects of farming which threaten the world's food supply, also threatened by oil pipelines being shut down, while people all over the world are protesting the drive to further lockdowns, vaccine mandates, fuel prices, and food prices as inflation has swept Europe and America. Meanwhile, climate-change-pushers who modify the weather with ease with decades-old technology (such as HAARP and cloud-seeding tech) have brought droughts and desertification to the western United States and floods and the washing away of homes to Eastern Australia, Assam, many parts of the world as well as sudden earthquakes in others. All these, explains Sonya, comprise the burning down of hearth and home, the removal of safety, anchors in food and fuel, and now the removal of privacy as well as the digital ID looms large and is embraced by the Davos and WEF hounds who seek to herd, tag, and corrall humanity into fluorescing cattle, nano-taggable and wifi-modifiable, reachable on radiation, easily controlled.

Curiously all the big news events of the past month – which emphasized the aspects of home-wrecking and privacy-invading – seem to feature a Cancerian—someone whose sun sign falls in Cancer/who was born during the Cancer season. Judge Clarence Thomas (Roe v Wade) is a Cancer; Elon Musk who made headlines with Starlink and his withdrawal of the Twitter-buy is a Cancer; Lindsay Lohan the new chosen poster-child for tantrum-throwing or other distraction-creating post the Johnnie Depp/Amber Heard extravaganza is a Cancer; Elvis Presley who's getting a new movie made in his name is a Cancer; R. Kelly who was sentenced to 30 years is a Cancer, ditto Ghislaine Maxwell who was also in the news, Julian Assange whose extradition to the US became a focus of a court hearing lately just in the week of the summer solstice is a Cancer...and so on.

Which does draw out the notion that these actors, players, figures are featuring on different stages set up by master planners pulling the strings. Whose plans for the Leo season upcoming, Sonya assures us, involve protests and revolution to lead to the next phase of “solutions” which probably are likely to be stepping-stones to the next phase of repression and control...all rather dismal and disheartening and one can only hope people/humanity/the world steps up beyond mere “revolution” to ensure the dismantling of the old guard is complete, and wonderful concepts like freedom, sovereignty, bodily autonomy and humanity are going to triumph over the techno-fascist-slavery intended for us.


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