Elites are Above the LAW

2 years ago

We are ruled over by elites - When you see this sort of blatant corruption It is time to PREPARE! All republics fall and we are witnessing our go down the tubes!

Links to articles.






Follow me on my journey from Houston Texas to the country as I use this youtube channel as a vehicle to setup a retreat before the collapse of America as we know it. Most people live and work near a heavy populated and therefore now a dangerous area. What does it really require and take to at least establish a retreat or bug out location. Can you do it alone or do you have to have a community? Lets find out on this journey together!

ConfusedPrepper.com taking the confusion and fear out of prepping - If you are looking for SHTF, ZOMBIES at the gate, End of the world, chicken little the sky is falling. This is all coming but we have alot time left. follow me on my journey to understand prepping and get prepared for THE END! In reality this is very high level economically speaking channel where we can see the collapse happening and gauge how much time we have left.

I am on a mission to interview interesting and like-minded people in this community. This segment is called From City to Country preparedness. If you would like to be interviewed, please send me an email to confusedprepper@gmail.com


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