4 years ago

ALL, You may have noticed the live show did not happen due to the internet in our area is very bad. I can upload only. The song is by Matthew Parker. You can find this song here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1CrocPWldu4
I am currently working on a large video that I will break up into 5 to 6 parts. There is so much happening right now that it is impossible to discuss it all.
The key aspects of what has happened will be rvealed as the outcome becomes what we all have expected. This is part of the system they intended. All will happen as it is intended and we must endure. This is what we will discuss in these videos. I am also going to do radio podcast as that works fine with the limited internet. If you have not heard any of the podcast on blogtalk radio. Go here to sign up and connect https://www.blogtalkradio.com/globalwitness

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