The beast is a beast

2 years ago

The word Beast has multiple meanings in the Greek. Mainly, it’s a living creature or a beast of burden. It can even be a venomous beast. But the prime root of the word is interesting; to buy, to purchase or possess by any means. The current system has done just that.
>Here is the prime root of the word beast
Strong’s G # 2932 (ktah'-om-ahee) obtain, possess, purchase. A primary verb; to get, i.e. Acquire (by any means; own) -- obtain, possess, provide, purchase. Usage: (a) I acquire, win, get, purchase, buy, (b) I possess, win mastery over.
The way the word is used in Revelation is abstract. It’s using the word to describe a system of government or a banking system even a religious beast. But not an actual living creature. In my interpretation of the word beast as it is being used in Revelation is to describe the attitude or a state of mind in which people are obsessed with getting “things”. Materialism is the god of this world. Just like the rich man and Lazarus, the rich man could not give up his possessions. The mark of the beast, the beast and the beast system all have to do with the god of materialism. You cannot serve two masters. You will be asked to give up one or the other at some point.
Our current economic system is the largest in history and could be called a giant beast. You have been bought and sold by an economic system that has enslaved you.
In order for the deadly wound of Revelation 13:3 to occur is there has to be a one world government established in the world. I believe we have already entered into a one world government through finance. The current monetary system the world has been using is nothing more than a giant pawnzy scheme and we are at the top of the pyramid. The whole world will have to file for bankruptcy. There is no way to pay off the supposed debt owed by almost every country in the world.
This is the definition of a beast… a giant beast that is out of control. It would be easy to place the 7 heads and 10 crowns on this financial system we now have. My mind is open to this multi headed creature in Revelation 13 and 17 being a system rather than a government or a person.

The definition of the prime root for the Greek word G # 2932 (ktah'-om-ahee) best describes our world today. Materialism is the god of this world and the financial system is used to promote it. The global elite are the gods of the banking system.
More and more people are awakening to the fact that their governments have turned against them and not promoting the will of the common peoples. The crooks have been found out. Many countries are being pillaged by their own governments including the USA. Enter the deadly wound of Revelation 13:3.
I also believe the people all over the world are rising up right now to inflict the deadly wound on this corrupt system. Once this happens it will be time for the antichrist to make his personal appearance and heal it. This will signal the end of time as we know it.
It is my belief the deadly wound will be inflicted on the current financial system which is the “head” mentioned in Revelation 13:3. The world will quickly fall apart without a monetary system. These scriptures are all referring to the end times in the setting of the 7 seals trumps and vials.

In my current focus I’m looking at “systems” rather than “nations” or “individuals” in Bible prophesy. Governments come and go but systems remain in place. Look at the world today, governments don’t run the government, the world elite do. The Mystery of iniquity is at work in the world today and “it” is what turns the wheels. It has become a corrupt mess and no longer able to function. It is out of control and the world is headed for a collision course. Sure this has happened in different countries throughout history but never on the scale of today which is a sign that this is the end times.
Con or Kinetic?
When the global elite realize the con they’ve been running for 50 years is up they will start a war. Deadly Wound

1st Beast-System -Revelation 13:3 And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast.

The first beast represents a worldwide confederacy-league or a pact that is in control of Finance Religion Politics and Education on a world wide scale in the end times. >The NWO<. Daniel 9:26 calls it a covenant with the prince which is none other than a covenant with satan. The “PRINCE” in verse 9:25 is Jesus. The global elite have made a pact with the devil.

2nd Beast-antichrist Revelation 13:12 And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed.(Satan in his role as antichrist-false messiah)
Satan will use the current beast system to promote himself. The apparatus is already in place and all of the liars are lined up like ducks to tell lies for him.
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