Dr. Ted Broer - Food That Kills

2 years ago

Dr. Ted Broer: 10 Foods Not To Eat:

1. High-Fat Lunch Meats: (i.e. Bacon, Sausage, Ham, Pepperoni, And Hotdogs): These Products Are Cured With Nitrates And Nitrites, Which When Digested Convert To Nitrosamines, Which Are Among The Most Carcinogenic Compounds Known, Especially For The Intestinal Tract And The Pancreas.

2. Aspartame: This Toxic Substance Breaks Down Into Phenylalanine, Aspartic Acid, And Methanol (i.e. Pain Thinner). There Are Aspartic Acid Receptors In The Brain Which Make This Substance Extremely Addictive. Aspartame Disrupts Memory Function, Causes Brain Cancers, Seizures, Headaches, Optic Nerve Degradation, And Depression.

3. Trans-Fats: Margarine And Hydrogenated Oils Cause A Host Of Illnesses, From Heart Disease To Metabolic Syndrome To Diabetes To Arthritis To Infertility.

4. Shellfish: These Bottom-Feeders Are Generally Toxic, Absorbing Much Of The Environmental Pollution From Their Local Waters, Be It BP Corexit In The Gulf Of Mexico, Fukushima Radionuclides In The Pacific Or Mercury, Arsenic And Other Heavy Metals.

5. Junk Foods: Most Of These Are Loaded With High-Fructose Corn Syrup, Which Promotes A Fatty Liver And Makes One Insatiably Hungry, By Affecting The Brain Mechanism That Tells You You’re Full.

6. Soy: Contains High Levels Of Phyto-Estrogens And Like All Xenoestrogens, Like Pesticides Cause A Myriad Of Problems, From The Chemical Castration Of Male Embryos In Utero, Reduced Sperm Count, To Gynecomastia Or “Man Boobs” To Breast- And Other Cancers.

7. Chlorine & Fluoride: Drink Distilled Or Reverse-Osmosis Water. Fluoride Make People Servile And Infertile. Fluoride Is Also Linked To Arthritis And Bone Loss.

8. High-Fat Dairy Products: Dr. Broer Wishes That Raw Organic Milk Were Widely Available But He Doesn’t Recommend Pasteurized Milk Products. The Hormones In Mass-produced Milk Products, Such As Recombinant Bovine Somatotropin (rBST) And The Xenoestrogens Make These Products Endocrine Disruptors, Which Are Also Artery-Clogging And Ultimately Carcinogenic.

9. High Caffeine: Drinking Mass Amounts Of Coffee Can Lead To High Blood Pressure, Heart Disease, And Breast Cancer, Due To Methylxanthine And Adrenal Fatigue. Caffeine Is Fine In Small Doses Like In Green Tea And An Occasional Cup Of Coffee Is Ok But Mass Quantities Everyday Is Not.

10. Alcoholic Beverages: Consumption Of Alcohol Increases The Risk Of Pancreatic Cancer, Liver Cancer, Cirrhosis Of The Liver, Alcoholism, Osteoporosis And Breast Cancer. All Of The Hype About The Benefits Of Alcohol Consumption Are Based On Studies Funded By The Alcoholic Beverage Industries. “Alcohol Is A Neurotoxin. The Occasional Alcoholic Drink Is Ok But Mass Quantities Everyday Is Not. It Stops The Production Of The Enzyme, Lipase, Which Breaks Down Fats, Leading To Fat Storage Aka A “Beer Belly.”

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