6 - Trinity (part 3)

4 years ago

Today we wrap up our discussion of the Trinity with thoughts on the love among the members of the Godhead. We can’t fully comprehend the self-existent life of God, but we can understand from the Bible that the Father and the Son share vibrant fellowship with and through the Holy Spirit--and when the Spirit unites His people to God, He brings us into this deep and lively communion. In fact, all three members of the Trinity acted in accord to accomplish the plan of our redemption, with an agreement sometimes called the Covenant of Redemption.

This Episode Features: Emily Asking Totally Invalid Questions; Prooftext Prooftext Prooftext; Orthodox Bureaucracy All Over Again; the Holy Spirit Doesn’t Clock Out; Louis Berkhof Is Le Tired; Sequentially, As It Were; Greek Synonyms that Don’t Mean the Same Thing At All; Greg Thinks of Things; the Heirs Don’t Write the Will; Conspiracy; Why Do the Anglicans Have All the Good Playwrights?; and the Spirit of 76.

Transcript: https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vQps6m9sjCzPb05lQw64_y2o9_3S2bUaLh815XzsC4JRRbLcQ4WJp5y1tAhqx5t3RK4hWRqZ4utvFxS/pub

The Doctrine of God - Herman Bavinck: https://amzn.to/2uQPG6H
On the Trinity - Augustine: https://amzn.to/2TpldGQ
Foundations of Social Order - Rousas John Rushdoony: https://amzn.to/35TKMmj
Not Duty Bound: Geerhardus Vos on the Covenant of Redemption - Daniel Ragusa, Reformed Forum: https://reformedforum.org/geerhardus-vos-covenant-of-redemption/
Revelation 5: https://www.esv.org/Revelation+5/
The Westminster Confession: https://www.opc.org/wcf.html
John 4: https://www.esv.org/John+4/
Bleak House - Charles Dickens: https://amzn.to/384qHem
A Whole New World: the Gospel According to Revelation - Greg Uttinger: https://amzn.to/2QRN2Gc

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