More on The REAL RFK Jr. - part 8: Conclusions

2 years ago

At this point I have gone deep enough into this book to draw conclusions on what this is, who is producing it, what the tactics and goals are, and who is being targeted. I am going to do another video on ATZ and the history of dubious cures, but that may be the last thing I cover related to this POS book.

As my own qualifier or disclaimer, I don't believe the specific story that Kennedy is spinning here, and for good reasons, in part the demonstrable deception and lies that litter the work. But I am not a mainstreamer on this subject either (and you don't have to be a nutter not to be a mainstreamer), I do believe that the medical-industrial establishment and its regulators are a serious problem, and that this involves regulatory capture, and I don't like Fauci at all, I wish Trump had fired that little fucker. However, I think the source of so many of these problems ties back to the adopting of neoliberal economics four decades ago and the pursuit of profits, the worship of money, which that has elevated. Part of that is the litigousness aspect of America as well, and the role of lawyers and courts, which I covered some at one point. Which gets me back to Kennedy the chief counsel for CHD and his no-holds-barred prosecution of Fauci in this book. I don't think this book is going to get us any closer to a serious appraisal of all the problems that are evident in what happened during the pandemic - on both sides of the Great Trumpian Divide.

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