Astrosonics Affirmations for Summer Solstice June 21 '22 #astrology #sound #highvibes

2 years ago
12 The following affirmations are intended to assist in raising the vibe in each listener and, in the process, on our planet. A few of the planetary combinations are the same, but the aspects and intentions are expressed differently. For instance, the harmonic blends involving Venus and Pluto and Venus and Saturn repeat. One represents the aspect between the two planets, and the other represents Pluto's and Saturn's aspects to the North Node, which is ruled by Venus.

Moon/Sun Square:
I express my emotions with honesty, courage and conviction, while maintaining close connections that are in my highest and best interest.

Moon/Jupiter conjunction:
I have faith in myself and my abilities, which allows me to establish healthy boundaries while also enjoying expanding horizons.

Moon/Neptune conjunction:
My intuition now aligns perfectly with my soul’s longing as I follow the spiritual guidance that leads me to the experience of manifesting my dreams into reality.

Sun/Jupiter square:
My faith in the human heart ignites nurturing qualities that establish emotional bonds with like-minded souls.

Sun/Saturn trine:
The culmination of my previous hard work is now fully supported by heaven and I witness positive results being brought into concrete form.

Sun/Pluto quincunx:
What has previously been at odds is now blending harmoniously with regard to my life-work balance. As I renew my commitment to my own happiness it inspires others in a powerful way.

Mercury/Jupiter sextile:
I now fully embrace the opportunity to expand my awareness, curiosity, and understanding of a much larger truth that is liberating and exhilarating.

Mercury/Neptune quintile:
My psychic and intuitive awareness is now fully aligned with divine direction that guides me to be in the right place at the right time.

Venus/Saturn square:
Any challenges that may arise now work in my favor as I awaken to new and innovative ideas that attract the material support required for my journey.

Venus/Pluto trine:
There is great wealth and abundance available to me now, and to the degree that I know my own worthiness is the degree to which I receive powerful assistance.

Venus/Sedna conjunction:
As I hold reverence for all living creatures and put service above material gain, my prosperity grows exponentially.

Mars/Chiron conjunction:
I now have the courage to face my own ego’s triggers, and as I heal them, that action is sufficient to help others heal theirs as well.

Mars/SN quincunx:
All previous experiences at odds with who I am are resolved completely as I let go of the past.

Saturn/Sedna square:
I awaken to the importance of perceiving time in a brand new way that liberates me from competition and fertilizes new creativity leading to abundance for all.

Saturn/NN square:
Any challenges that arise now ultimately work to my advantage because they ignite new and innovative ways for me to achieve my purpose in life.

Saturn/SN square:
As I let go of the past, all previous fears and vulnerabilities are reborn to become my most powerful allies in the present moment.

Uranus/NN conjunction:
I am outrageously open to being surprised by the Universe and trust that I’ll be put on the right path for my greatest happiness, peace, and prosperity.

Uranus/SN opposition:
Everything about my past that seemed heavy and indestructible now disappears in an instant.

Neptune/SN trine:
The universe is supporting me by dissolving all confusion and delusions from my past, and replacing them with spiritual clarity.

Pluto/Sedna trine:
The more I recognize divine guidance in my life, the more I am able to trust. As my trust grows it replaces all fear in the most powerful and beneficial way for all life everywhere.

Pluto/NN trine:
Any and all deceptions from my past or in the collective are now brought to light and receive divine balance and justice.

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