Astrosonics Frequencies and Affirmations for the Sag Full Moon 06/14/22 #astrology #sound #healing

2 years ago
Written Affirmations:
Moon/Sun/Jupiter for Sag Full Moon:
I now enjoy the natural expansion of the divine plan for my life.

Moon/Saturn sextile:
My intuition and feelings are aligned with the new structure for my life, leading me to long-lasting success.

Moon/Neptune square:
There is a new level of psychic awareness awakening in me that leads me to my divine purpose, and becomes a wave that helps others find their own flow.

Moon/Chiron trine:
The wounds from my past and any post traumatic responses are healed and sealed now with the infinite flow of divine blessings.

Moon/NN quincunx:
I now sense a new harmonic blending of what has previously been at odds, and my compassion now expands to include all life on Earth.

Sun/Saturn trine:
My reason for being is fully supported, and I now see the rewards for all of my previous hard work and efforts.

Sun/Neptune squareL
Any tension I feel between my life-purpose and my soul’s longings are simply revealing the opportunity to open to the flow of more divine inspiration and infinite supply.

Sun/SN quincunx:
My conscious curiosity works in everyone’s benefit when I learn to look within for answers and refrain from projecting blame onto others or trying to control situations.

Merc/Pluto trine:
There is powerful support now for me to completely let go of the past and manifest the divine plan for my life.

Merc/Sedna conjunction:
My rational mind unites with a new cosmic awareness that allows past, present, and future to blend with divine perfection and precision that heals my own, and all life, around me.

Mars/Chiron conjunction:
The only way to truly heal another is by healing the Self first.

Venus/Saturn square:
Any tension or impatience that arises now is simply showing me where I still have work to do on the ego’s desire to control instead of trusting in divine direction.

Venus/Uranus conjunction:
My values, resources, and relationships, are undergoing a radical change that allows unimaginable prosperity for myself and all life on our planet.

Venus/SN opp:
The old ways of determining superficial success through comparison are finally gone, and all life now prospers through the truth of divine inheritance.

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