But is Hydroxychloroquine Really Toxic? Reviewing the Claims of Dr. Dan Wilson

2 years ago

In our recent interview Dr. Meryl Nass claimed people died in COVID drugs trials due to the use of toxic doses of hydroxychloroquine. Prior to my interview with Dr. Nass. As part of the due diligence I did what I could to interrogate her claim. This led me to the YouTube channel of Dr. Dan Wilson (Debunk the Funk). Dr. Wilson is a microbiologist who produces videos debunking what he sees as spurious claims about COIVD. Very handily, he’d produced several videos debunking Robert Kennedy JR’s book, The Real Anthony Fauci. I say handily, because Kennedy addresses the question of hydroxychloroquine toxicity and draws on Dr. Nass’ work, so I thought this should be perfect.

What I found I determined to be worthy of its own podcast.

Toxic Doses of Hydroxychloroquine used in Trials: Dr. Meryl Nass

Robert Kennedy JR, The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health:

Dr. Dan Wilson on ‘Fauci’s Scorecard’:

Dr. Dan Wilson on Robert Kennedy’s Lockdown Claims:

Dr. Dan Wilson on hydroxychloroquine doses:

Dr. Meryl Nass’ articles on hydroxychloroquine:

Effect of Hydroxychloroquine in Hospitalized Patients with COVID-19 SUPPLEMENTARY APPENDIX RECOVERY Collaborative Group:

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