The GIRLFRIEND Test - Winner gets A HUSBAND ! JOKE of the Day #99

2 years ago

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A man had three beautiful girlfriends but didn't know which one to marry. As a test, he decided to give each woman £5,000 to see how they would spend it.
The first girlfriend went out and got herself a complete makeover, She told him, "I spent the money so I could look beautiful for you because I love you so much."
The second went shopping and bought the man new golf clubs, an iPad and an 80-inch flat-screen TV. She said, "I bought these gifts for you because I love you so much.
The third woman took the £5,000 and invested it in the stock market, doubled her investment, returned £5,000 to the man and reinvested the rest. She said, "I am investing the rest of the money for our future because I love you so much,
The man thought long and hard about how each of his girlfriends had spent the money, and then he decided to marry the one with the biggest BOOBS.

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