Need to Know News (22 July 2022) with Joe Olson and Maryam Henein

2 years ago

Moon of Alabama warns that Europe needs to restore Russian gas or face a devastating winter. It appears that the sanctions have backfired spectacularly, where the ruble is at an all-time high and multiple nations are eager to join BRICS, including Argentina and (even) Saudi Arabia. The sanctions themselves harm the Russian people and quality as forms of collective punishment that are war crimes under the Geneva Conventions, UN Charter, and international law. House Democrats have passed symbolic abortion rights bills that have no prospect of becoming law, but are intended to motivate voting for them in November. Meanwhile, more and more Democrats are coming to the realization that Biden is an albatross around their neck and is sinking their prospects, not only for the midterms in November, but for the general election in 2024. DeSantis slams Biden for begging for oil and gas from Saudi Arabia, when it was his own policies that have led to the shortage with high gas prices at the pump, soaring inflation, and a looming recession. Alex Jones reports that Trump and DeSantis are going to run together in 2024, which will be a hugely attractive ticket, especially after the Democrats have all but destroyed America. And a new documentary on January 6th from The Epoch Times will serve as a partial antidote to the propaganda that has been broadcast virtually 24/7 demonizing Trump in an attempt to stomp out the MAGA movement. Hint: It ain't going to work!
Dr. Birx admits that she and Fauci just "made up" their own theory of COVID, including the two-week lockdown and the six-foot separation rule, which had no scientific or experiential foundation. In other words, it was a lie from the beginning. Fauci et al. are in the hot seat with lawsuits concerning their collusion with social media to censor alternative views about the pandemic and the vax, which looks as though it has real potential to hold them accountable. More on Marburg and a short piece showing that "Michelle is a Man", which deserves widespread viewing. They want to run him in 2024, but few are going to like the massive deception..

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