Who killed Jesus Christ Why was Jesus killed Killing Jesus #shortsvideo

2 years ago

Who was responsible for Jesus' death. Not as simple as one may think. #shorts
I killed Jesus: Romans 3:23; 6:23, John 3:36; Isaiah 53:6
God killed Jesus: (Matt 26:42, Luke 22:2) (Isaiah 53:7, John 1:36, Rev 13:8, Passover.
Jesus gives His life: John 10:17-18
Roman Soldiers: John19:23
Some Jewish leaders: Luke 22:1-2; John 10:33
You did: see above ... I killed Jesus

Jewish believers: original apostles, early believers Gospels and Acts 1-2, priests from the Temple Acts 6:7
Jesus as prophet: predicted His own death and Luke 24:19 is called a prophet. (called a prophet like Moses)

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