TheraPhi & PlasmaPhire

4 years ago

TheraPhi & PlasmaPhire global meditation.
Preparing sacred space for Global Meditation

Calling all Shamans, Pipe Carriers, Native Elders, Ceremonial Leaders, Reiki Practitioners, Quantum Practitioners and ALL Like-Hearted, Love-centered beings. TheraPhi and PlasmaPhire is offering coherent space in which to establish and anchor intentions & prayers for the Global Meditation which will follow at 10:45 P.M. EDT, on April 4th (see link below) TheraPhi and PlasmaPhire will be activated 9 hours earlier to hold space for light and love to saturate Global awareness. Please join us in the Shareable Wave of TheraPhi and PlasmaPhire at 1:45 p.m. EDT, 11:45a.m. MDT, 7:45 p.m. CEST.

(This event - 7:45 pm CEST Sat. April 4 - is a primer event especially for shamans, to lead up to the global healing meditation, the later event- which in France is 4:45 am -April 5 (CESTcentral Europe standard time) which is more difficult middle of the night, so this earlier event, especially for shaman and spiritual leaders is easier time for Europe -D.W.)
Dr. Shelley Evans is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Dr. Shelley Evans' Zoom Meeting
Time: Apr 4, 2020 011:45 AM Edmonton, 7:45 pm CEST

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