In the City by Joe Walsh ~ It's Survival in the City...

2 years ago

In the City is a Brilliant song by Joe Walsh, that was originally recorded for the Soundtrack to the Movie, Warriors, and eventually was re-recorded and added to The Eagles album, The Long Run...

This song is one of the Most Important Songs of all time because it blatantly lays out the Truth of what Cities are all about, which is Daily Crucifixion living within an orchestrated Den of Distraction and SIN...

There is ONE REASON why Cities were created, and one reason ONLY, and that was to force we the Children of God OFF of the Free Lands, which we as Families had claimed for ourselves...and then force us into these newly constructed Cities and into Jobs, to earn wages to pay for all of the newly created Materialistic Goods that Advertisers would tell us were necessary to be taken seriously as Human Beings...and this is how ALL of this Mass Insanity that we now Live (Running the Hamster Wheel, Chasing after the Carrot of Gold), came into take us Away from BOTH God and Mother Earth (our True Father and Mother) and into the Serpent's Den of Sin, ruled by Lies via Distractions, where each and every Child of God was LED INTO TEMPTATION, so that SIN would become our Daily Way of Life, which is Death...

And All of this is the Exact OPPOSITE to what Jesus Christ both Taught us and Lived for us, to Show us the other words, City Life is the exact opposite of God's Way and is the Prime example of Satanism, where we live in Temptation for Lust, Greed and Violence...SEX instead of Loving, Whores instead of Virtuous Wombmen, Children forced to live as replicas of their Parents, instead of ever learning to be themselves...

Our entire Peaceful Lives in smaller Villages of Health, Joy and Happiness, have been turned UPSIDE DOWN into Chaotic excuses for Life, living in perpetual Fear, Sadness and Despair...and despair is the Ultimate Sin before God, because it says that you have NO FAITH and NO HOPE left in God, as you have come to believe that only Bad things will happen to you, and there is no solution in sight...

Thus, with Cities, we are witnessing the most elaborate HOAX against ManKind ever perpetrated by the Cabal, as they have taken God and the Sacred Feminine Mother out of our Lives, disconnected us from The Way of Jesus Christ, and trapped us in Dens of Sins, where Day after Day we dig an earlier grave for ourselves as we endlessly SIN in the Empty Chase after Dollars and Material Goods, instead of simply LIVING in abundance thru Mother Earth, sans Jobs, sans Time, sans Distractions, at one with God, with Mother Nature and with Jesus Christ, so that we can become GOOD FAMILIES creating KIND acts that serve All of Creation, instead of just ourselves...

So, Choose your Lifestyle, but Choose it WISELY...

Sit back, Relax, and Enjoy this masterpiece to the glory of God's Creation, and please remember friends that Colleen and I take care of 73 Animals here at our Shire Animal Rescue Sanctuary, if you can comfortably afford to donate a little towards the costs of caring for our precious Family, we would greatly appreciate it...if you cannot afford to help, you can help in other ways, including sending us your Intentions of Love, of Strength and of can send a monetary donation to:

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Enjoy, Love, CF

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