Who Needs Socialist Susan, with "Conservatives" LIKE THIS!

2 years ago

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While I didn't want to shoot this video, after a lot of talk with my campaign team, supporters, and responding to 50+ emails / Facebook messages (approx. 57) from members of the local community begging me to make this video and to call these liars out... well I did not really have a choice but to set the record straight.

In this video I cover the major issues that my opponent and her group are flinging around on social media. I wanted to cover it all, but as it is, I don't like giving these hacks the attention I'm giving them so far.

The top items I did not cover in this video that I was asked to address is my push to remove or greatly diminish the power of the teachers unions because of and I quote the "Constitution" & where I'm reading the grooming books from.

I've wasted enough time shooting this video, and did not want to waste anymore of my time. Instead below is an answer to my opponents staff who embarrassingly not only don't understand the "constitution" but also don't know what the inside of a Hernando County School Library looks like, despite claiming to be in the schools everyday, when they don't have the permission to do so.

Unions - Outside of a tiny few FLDOE policies and regulations, as well as legislative statues, the massive bulk of the union's power in Hernando County was given to the unions by the Board through horrible one-sided deals and bad contracts that were mostly written by the unions in the first place and rubberstamped by the Board. To simply put it, when these contracts come back before the board for renewal, a conservative majority can effectively wipe out union power with the stroke of a pen. Unlike my opponents campaign staff, I have extensive contract training from the University of Michigan and Yale, as well as 2 decades of top level experience in education administration and auditing so long story short, their misleading comments are comical from my professional perspective.

Book Reading Location - All of the book videos are recorded in our personal homeschool classroom that is located on our farm. My opponents made the claims that I was somehow getting into school libraries to read from books in front of children. For a group that claims to have been in the schools for the past decade, I find it comical that they don't know what the inside of the libraries in our district look like.

So in short, I won't be playing a back n forth with my lying opponent and her cult of goons. I also have no doubt that they will cook up some more bull in the coming weeks. If you come across these desperate attempts of slander and misinformation feel free to shoot me an email directly at montyforhernando@gmail.com or give me a call. Our direct campaign phone number is listed on the campaign website under Contact www.MontyForHernando.com.

Let's take this home and Make Education Great Again!

Vote Monty Floyd on August 23rd, on your mail in ballots (Now), or on August 8th when early voting starts!

Follow my campaign on social media:

🐦 https://twitter.com/RealMontyFloyd
🐸 https://gab.com/TheRealMontyFloyd


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