No Morality Without God

4 years ago

No Morality Without God - The Barak Lurie Show

Today I want to talk about the notion of the “moral atheist”. Is there such a thing?

Because in a world of atheism, where there is no God, there are no morals.

Whatever morals you claim to believe in, come to you from the olden days. From the Bible itself. It’s in the mother’s milk of civilization and you just don’t realize it. The reason why you think that people shouldn’t steal is because it’s encoded in our civilization. It wasn’t always this way.

The Ten Commandments gave us the notion that we shouldn’t steal. The Ten Commandments gave us the notion that we shouldn’t murder. We shouldn’t lie. We shouldn’t commit adultery. And all the things that we value -- not just in the Ten Commandments, but the Bible itself.

So don’t tell me you as an atheist have morals. You don’t. At best what you have is agreed upon rules that you think are logical, but can change from day to day. That is not morality. Morality is the notion that we all have to believe in the same set of beliefs.

There are no morals without God. There cannot be an atheist that is also a morally guided person.

ATHEISM KILLS available at Amazon:

The Barak Lurie Show
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