Alex Bloodfire's Stream - Let's talk gender ideology 012 - Wednesday 13th July 2022 at 7 pm UK time

2 years ago

Please join me for another live stream and Let's Talk Gender Ideology!

As usual, I'll be bringing you all the latest and breaking news on a pernicious gender ideology and discussing the big fight back!

Will another government department drop the controversial Stonewall?

Will another sporting body remove biologically born males from female sports?

Find out here on the Alex Bloodfire Stream Wednesday 13th July 2022!

If you would like to enter the competition to win one of three paperback books of Brock Steele Sphere all you need to do is DM me the answer to the following question on GETTR:

What is 007's name? The character who was created by Ian Fleming and appeared in over 25 movies spanning five decades.

DM the answer to
Please don't provide any personal information, I will contact the winners at the end of the competition! Competition ends midnight on the 31st July 2022.

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#GenderIdeology #TransIdeology #SaveWomensSport #LetWomenSpeak #KeepPrisonsSingleSex #KPSS #SexNotGender #GenderWooWoo

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