Solar Home Heating - Booster Fan

4 years ago

Added a 6"/150mm booster fan to the solar home heating system.

I use solar as the primary source of home heating. There are 2 ClearDomeSolar hot air panels on the roof. A combination of DC and AC powered fans and blowers pull outside air into the panels and then force the heated air into the house as well as exhaust house air outside. All parts of the system are solar powered:

My original solar heat system used the heat trapped by the patio enclosure along with a 12V DC powered fan to push that air into the house:
Now, I've added back that original part of the system in parallel with the hot air panels. Once the new patio enclosure gets sealed up, it should trap a lot more heat than the old one did. This is because the new enclosure uses double wall clear panels compared to the single wall of the old enclosure.

While this add-on booster fan isn't a huge improvement right now, it was easy enough to add. And in time it should add more heat gain to the system. Right now, it may add about 1* F temperature rise to the house over the day.

These active solar heating systems have been in use for the last 14 years now as the primary source of home heating. Backup heating is via a wood burning fireplace insert. Backup to that is a natural gas furnace that's not been used in that 14 years.

I believe it's important to have multiple sources of heat in the house. The solar heat works well most of the time unless we have extended periods of cold, cloudy weather. In that case, the wood heat can take over, unless the local air quality officials have a ban on wood burning. Usually this is not a problem during stormy weather as the wind is usually blowing:
But if the first two systems are not able to heat the house, the old gas furnace can be fired up:

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