Instagram censorship of an old George Carlin joke.

4 years ago

#Instagram #Censorship #GeorgeCarlin #Hatespeech

Disgusting Instagram censorship of an old George Carlin joke. This is the joke they called hate speech:

“Here's all you have to know about men and women: women are crazy, men are stupid. And the main reason women are crazy is that men are stupid.” George Carlin

Things have gone too far. Carlin is spinning in his grave. I'm pissed off.

Canadian - American living in the Canadian wilderness.

My opinions on the state of everything, politics, events, news, people and much more. I'm not politically correct nor am I afraid to upset the cart. I do not tolerate racism in any form. I despise the Democrats as much as the Republicans. Love me or hate me you'll know where I stand. Do not just hear me LISTEN to me. Maybe you'll learn something or maybe you won't, couldn't give a shit either way. ;) lol

#peoplesparty @4aPeoplesParty

Twitter: A Voice In The Wilderness @CanadaInTheWild

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