2 years ago

Do you understand the Big Pharma Evil scam now?

Everybody they kill with their toxic pills and opioids are just classified as Cancer, Sudden deaths, cardiac arrests, etc. Big Pharma are protected by the Law and Government with no liabilities. So they are poisoning people worldwide and making TONS of money doing it. Then if they die, they will NEVER correlate to any pills they take and they will say any other cause of deaths. Why do you think prescription drugs rises at the same time as cancer and heart attacks, etc. While Big Pharma profits rises too. It’s a MASSIVE global scam. And all Doctors are just Drug dealers paid commission by corrupt Big Pharma criminals.

When doctors clients dies, it doesn’t matter at all, they just replace them with new clients bringing even more money. Do NOT trust your killer Doctor. They are killing people and this is crimes against humanity. This is also why Trump wants death penalty for “Drug Dealers”. This is NOT for natural Cannabis/Mushrooms sellers. This is for Killer Big Pharma Opioids and Doctors sellers that are killing MILLIONS per year with this disguised scam. People are getting poisoned by toxic chemicals in petroleum based meds prescribed by Doctors that are supposed to be health experts helping us not killing us. Doctors get paid commission for selling meds for Big Pharma.

Do you really think they think about your health or about money? If one pill is making them more money but worse for you, they’ll always choose money. That’s why they are making supwr high salaries $300k/year and even more. They get paid all inclusive travels and vacations to attend Big Pharma fake “Seminars” and getting brainwashed and bought. This is straight up selling your soul to the Devil. Time to wake up NOW!

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