Getting Tuppy used to people leaning on her back. The trick will be to release before she moves.

4 years ago

Getting Tuppy used to people leaning on her back and putting weight on her back. Slow and steady. Increasing the time spent on her back and exploring it.
The trick will be to release the pressure when she's doing the right thing, not release when she moves.
We do this once or twice a day when the weather is nice. I'm not doing it in high wind, but when things are nice and settled.
Earlier today one of her herd mates galloped off and she didn't react. So she's listening to me and quite placid.
My first time backing my own horse. I feel confident, as I am in no hurry whatsoever, so it will unfold in her and my time as we have a good relationship and this is only building trust between us.
I have a muscle wasting illness, so probably shouldn't be around horses at all, but I'd rather be dead.
Slowly slowly we will get there.

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