Episode 33: Will Utahns have access to food and energy?

2 years ago

Shortages of different kinds of food and energy are beginning to happen across the country and the world. What is being done here in Utah to protect access to these valuable resources?

Puite County councilman Darin Bushman joins Kim and Carolyn to talk about plans to create an "agri-park" for direct producer-to-consumer processing of meat products, bypassing the "big four" meat processing companies, some of which are owned by large foreign entities.

The co-chair of the Utah Legislature Public Utilities, Energy, and Technology Interim Committee, Carl Albrecht, talked with Kim and Carolyn about the state's energy policies, what kind of energy resources are available inside of Utah, and what challenges we can expect to deal with in the near future.

- https://house.utleg.gov/rep/ALBRECR/
- https://le.utah.gov/committee/committee.jsp?year=2022&com=INTPUT
- https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100011094618898
- https://www.facebook.com/DarinJBushman

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