Barack Obama COVID Joe Biden

2 years ago

Sitting President Barack Obama
Sunday 13th March 2022
Tests positive to Covid (So they would have you believe)

+ 4 Months 8 Days (Obama born 4th August)

Acting President Joe Biden
Thursday 21st July 2022
Tested positive to Covid (So they would have you believe)

The Number of the Beast man.

The presidency of the United states is an illusion.

The 2015 UN 17 Goals 2030 agenda (WEF The Great Reset)
The power behind the throne the Dragon.
Revelation chapter 13.
Barack Obama and Pope Francis 1st and 2nd Beasts.

Revelation 13:17

And that no man might by or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, OR THE NUMBER OF HIS NAME.

(3 parts to being able or not able to "buy and sell")

Commerce on high street. Or online.

1. The Mark.
2.. Name of the Beast.
3. The number of his name.

Covid story in Australia from day one, plus the lead up to the first Australian to get vaccinated was to Obamas birth numbers.

"The Number Of His Name"

As I have well documented here on my rumble channel in previous videos.

Officially the Covid vaccine work mandates in Australia said
"No man can buy or sell" and had the number of his name attached to every scripted announcement regarding Covid, Deaths, Case numbers, Lockdowns, Vaccines, Statistics.

Revelation Chapter 15 verse 2

And I saw as it were a sea of glass mingled with fire: and them that had gotten the VICTORY over the beast, and over his image, and over his mark, AND OVER THE NUMBER OF HIS NAME.

How can one get Victory over something if you don't even know what it is?

22nd February 2021. Former PM Morrison and 84yr old Jane giving the Victory sign. Previous video. "Pls pay attention"

The Mark:

To date I believe the mark to be Biometrics. Willfully having your iris, Retina, palms, fingerprints scanned and this being connected to your bank account your ability to "Buy and sell".

That all might change in the coming Great tribulation last 3.5 years of Obama's official power where it might be a literal mark (Tattoo - cattle branding) on the right hand or forehead. (Time will tell)

Biometric payment systems is being used to do away with cash, and usher in the digital Id blockchain, credit score, 666 financial system.

Of that their is no doubt. 666 system of control is here.

Best get yourself a Evidence bible today....

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