July 2022 update on Covid vaccines and current state of the union.

2 years ago

This video was censored by u tube....so much for freedom of speech.
Should confirm the massive cover up going on.
Hope you enjoy. Pass it on!
In the spirit of Zadok

My first video; https://youtu.be/j5evRzqUdzQ

Article by Dr. Robert Malone - One of the founders of "MRNA" technology and one of the earliest whistle blowers on "Covid 19" - https://rwmalonemd.substack.com/p/uncovering-the-corona-narrative?s=r

Dr. Pierre Kory - Treating vaccine injury patients - https://usawatchdog.com/cv19-vax-deaths-injuries-are-an-ignored-humanitarian-catastrophe-dr-pierre-kory/

Recent article on the NIH website - National Library of Medicine - https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9062939/

Dr Michael Yeadon - Ex Pfizer VP, scientist - https://usawatchdog.com/cv19-virus-vax-about-control-not-health-dr-michael-yeadon/

Dr. Zev Zelenco - Powerful explanation of what is happening, connecting the puzzle pieces - https://drzelenkonews.com/the-dr-ardis-show-interview-dr-zelenko-has-a-warning-about-big-pharmas-threat-to-doctors/

Dr. Zelenco, this precious soul, has since passed away. May he rest in Peace...

Shocking documentation of lives lost and destroyed by the Covid vaccines - https://vaccineimpact.com/2022/covid-19-vaccine-massacre-68000-increase-in-strokes-44000-increase-in-heart-disease-6800-increase-in-deaths-over-non-covid-vaccines/

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