What Role Do BIGFOOTS, Werewolves, & STARGATES Play in Awakening Humanity's Consciousness?

2 years ago

Nick Sylvester is a sovereign SOULdier whose past half decade of study into The Law of One teachings has allowed him to help further the great awakening of humanity.
His mission is to help people realize there is far more to the world than meet’s the eye.

In an episode which explores everything from StarGates to legends of Bigfoot, to Galactic Explosions to Werewolves and the purported reincarnation of the souls into these creatures who’s stories have been recorded for eons, we delve into a deeper comprehension of what may really be lurking in the deep woods of the world…and even, may have been weaponized for combat use by the military.

Tune in now with an open mind and enjoy!

~The Bling’d Buddha

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THE SOVEREIGN SOUL Show provides you with what we deem to be accurate, informative and at times controversial discussions about various topics in our world. 

This includes hilarious meme’s, videos, and quips which likely trigger the woke — and we do hope it wakes up those still asleep. 

Videos from our Youtube & Rumble channel have been created to keep you informed about the current viral popular and complex issues facing humanity’s sovereign freedoms.  Plus, the hidden tech we’ll all someday soon use to fly like Superman, know Kung-Fu like Neo, and portal to places like Star Trek... 

Our videos range from both popular, ancient history, and esoteric topics, to objects, all things quantum, radically hidden human history and our galactic, star seed origins, to finance-related subjects from cryptocurrencies and NFTs to the precious metals of silver and gold, to natural healing modalities, spiritually uplifting exploration, and holistic health, plus other helpful resources. 

This information is for entertainment purposes only. We are proudly part of "A Small, Fringe Minority"...you willingly receive this data-driven information at your own risk of expanding love in your heart, and laughter all 'round :-)

We trust you'll enjoy!

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