Dark to Light: The Crazy Bannon Trial

2 years ago

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It's the last show before a short vacation hiatus! We will return on 8/1 with more amazing Dark to Light podcast! We encourage you to head back to the archives and listen to some of the greats in the interim. Today's show is wide-ranging, from the Bannon trial, to Monkeypox, to our newest COVID variant "Cantaurus" to climate change, and more!
Don't miss this awesome episode, and although we will miss you terribly, we will see you back in August!


Bannon goes nuts: https://citizenfreepress.com/breaking/bannon-goes-full-irish-outside-courthouse/

More coverage: https://www.nationalreview.com/corner/update-bannons-trial-is-underway-in-earnest/

Follow @therealtoriabrooke on Truth for great live trial coverage

Celebrities and their private jets: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11029501/Mark-Wahlberg-Jay-Z-Steven-Spielberg-use-private-jets-short-flights.html

DC Monkeypox: https://thehill.com/policy/healthcare/3564529-dc-has-highest-number-of-monkeypox-cases-nationally-per-capita/amp/

The Free Energy Substack: https://cognitivecarbon.substack.com/p/international-journal-of-hydrogen

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