The Democrat Race Lie by Bob Parks, Black & Right (#DemocratRaceLie)

4 years ago

The Democrat Race Lie was published in January of 2009 by Bob Parks (Black & Right) in response to the blatant lies on the Democrat Party website, stating their "unwavering" support of civil rights in the United States. Their true history reveals anything but... Democrats continue to lie today to avoid responsibility for the purpose of amassing more political power for an oppressive agenda to keep Americans permanently divided; forcing us all to live in a propaganda controlled state and constant chaos. #DemocratRaceLie #TimeForTruth #BlackLivesMatter #BlackSlaves #DemocratPoliticalTyranny #PeacefulProtests #AntiFa #Anarchists #POTUSTrump #DonaldJTrump #BarackObama #GeorgeSoros #Slavery #Tyranny #Lynchings #KKK #Democrats #AbrahamLincoln #CivilWar #MAGA #KAG #NAACP #MargaretSanger #PlannedParenthood #Genocide #ACLU #GeorgeSoros #SystemicRacism #Dixiecrats #BlackOutReach #BobParks #CommunityOrganizing #TruthLiesAndDemocrats #PoliticalSlavery #MalcomX #KuKluxKlan #PoliticalTryanny #DemocratPovertyPimps #BLM #BlackLivesMatter #Twitter #Google #Instagram #Facebook #JohnLewis #MartinLutherKingJr #MLK

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