Black Police Officer Discusses Defunding The Police, White Privilege Successful Black Americans

4 years ago

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So what exactly do those protesting to "defund the police" mean when they say this. Some are saying they would like to see tax dollars re-allocated to better police training and less going towards weapons and equipment. That is a reasonable stance. However many who are behind the "defund the police" movement are calling for the disbanding and dismantling of police departments as a whole. Case in point: Minneapolis. The city council just voted to "End The Minneapolis Police Department." This, in my opinion, is a step in the wrong, and a very dangerous, direction.

And in response to those who say people of color and minorities can't make it in America due to discrimination, white privilege and other factors, I provide a list of black men and women who became millionaires between the years of 1830 and 1927. I also introduce you to two black men who are BILLIONAIRES. And no, they are not rappers, musicians or athletes. These are all people who had the desire to make it and they were not going to let anything stop them. Not racism. Not white privilege. Not the president. Nothing. They didn't make excuses...THEY MADE A WAY!

Did they, like me, have to work harder and longer they others in order to make it where they did? Yes. Is that fair? Maybe not. But life isn't fair for everybody. If you truly want to succeed, you don't quit at the first sign of something not being fair. You continue to WORK until whatever is "unfair" doesn't matter anymore. YOU OUTWORK UNFAIR.

In the end I discuss the process to become a U.S. Navy SEAL. This, widely regarded as one of the toughest things a human can endure, is the same for men of any color, race or creed. The cold water, the obstacle course, the sleep deprivation....none of it discriminates. It equally crushes everybody. What it take to make it through has nothing to do with physical fitness...

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